• The torque limiter is a reliable and effective device consisting of various components such as hubs, friction plates, sprockets, bushings, and springs.. In the event of a mechanical overload, the torque limiter quickly disconnects the drive shaft from the drive assembly, protecting critical components from failure. Tha am co-phàirt meacanaigeach riatanach seo a 'cur casg air milleadh air an inneal agad agus cuir às do dhath cosgail.

    Aig deagh rùn tha sinn moiteil dhuinn a bhith a 'dèanamh cuingealaichean torque air an dèanamh bho stuthan taghte, gach pàirt mar aon de na toraidhean stàpan againn. Our rigorous production techniques and proven processes set us to stand out, ensuring reliable and effective solutions that reliably protect machines and systems from costly overload damage.