Uain timing & fanges
Airson meud siostam nas lugha, agus feumalachdan dùmhlachd cumhachd nas àirde, tha Pulley Belt time an-còmhnaidh na dheagh roghainn. At Goodwill, we carry a wide range of timing pulleys with various tooth profiles including MXL, XL, L, H, XH, 3M, 5M, 8M, 14M, 20M, T2.5, T5, T10, AT5, and AT10. Plus, we offer customers the option to select a tapered bore, stock bore, or QD bore, ensuring we have the perfect timing pulley for your specific requirements.As part of a one-stop purchasing solution, we make sure to cover all bases with our complete range of timing belts that mesh perfectly with our timing pulleys. Faodaidh sinn eadhon uaighean àm cleachdaidh a chaidh a dhèanamh bho alùmanum, stàilinn, stàilinn, no iarann gus coinneachadh ri feumalachdan luchd-cleachdaidh fa leth.
Stuth cunbhalach: iarann stàilinn gualain / leaghadh / alùmanum
Crìochnaich: còmhdach còmhdach dubh -ghan dubh / còmhdach poSphat dubh / le ola anti-meirgeach